Zhao Yun followed Liu Bei for nearly 30 years, why he was only a miscellaneous general and not sealed in the era of Liu Bei.

Zhao Yun followed Liu Bei for nearly 30 years, why he was only a miscellaneous general and not sealed in the era of Liu Bei.
Let's talk about the daring Zhao Zilong in Changshan.

in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhao Yun is "defined" as the "fourth younger brother" after Guan and Zhang, who is one of the most trusted and entrusted backbones in Liu Bei's group. However, in the official history, Zhao Yun did not seem to be successful under Liu Bei. One of the hallmarks was Zhao Yun in the era of Liu Bei, whose official position was only a "miscellaneous number" general, and there was no seal. Compared with Guan and Zhang, the gap was not the slightest. So why didn't Zhao Yun pay homage to him in the era of Liu Bei? Is it due to the lack of personal ability, the lack of appreciation by the leaders, or the inopportune timing?

loyalty and trust

but Liu Bei does not have the same strength as Boss Cao, but Liu Bei also has his way to attract talents, that is, he pays attention to honesty and virtues, which is one of the reasons why there will not be people like Sima Yi in the Liu Bei group.

entrust with important tasks

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"miscellaneous number" ≠ "miscellaneous card"
