When we run out of ammunition and food on the battlefield, why do most of the West surrender and most of the East perish together?

When we run out of ammunition and food on the battlefield, why do most of the West surrender and most of the East perish together?
The history of mankind is a magnificent history of war.

No matter how advanced the weapons and equipment are, in the end, war is a contest between people. Sometimes bullets are fired, shells are used up, and food is eaten up. At that moment, some soldiers choose to perish together with the enemy, while others raise their hands to surrender.

different war qualities

various signs show that the history of mankind is a magnificent history of war. From ancient times to the present, in thousands of years of human history, there has been no war for more than 200 years, and the rest of the time has been shrouded in gunpowder.

differences between Eastern and Western cultures and ideas

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different legal systems


relying on Li Guang's excellent shooting skills, he could not escape back, but the law of the Han Dynasty at that time stipulated that defeat should be beheaded, but he could also spend money to buy his life. Li Guang spent a lot of money to survive and was demoted to ordinary people.