Is the Japanese "March 8th cover" really the worst rifle in World War II?

Is the Japanese "March 8th cover" really the worst rifle in World War II?
Whenever military fans mention the 38-style rifle, they often have a flood of bad comments about it.

I believe that people are no stranger to the Japanese 38th rifle, which is called the "March 8th cover". Thanks to many anti-Japanese movies and TV dramas, the "March 8th cover" + two draped helmets and khaki Showa five-style military uniforms are the standard wardrobe of devil infantry in everyone's impression.

three or eight shots are small: don't be fooled by divine drama

so what is the power of 38 guns in the context of World War II?

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38 shots too long: one inch long

many veterans of the Anti-Japanese War recalled that most of the devil infantry could easily hit the enemy who was moving 100 meters away. On the one hand, this was caused by the strict training of the devil, on the other hand, it was inseparable from the excellent performance of three or eight shots.