In ancient times, property and labor could be used to offset the punishment of criminals.

In ancient times, property and labor could be used to offset the punishment of criminals.
In fact, ransom is not a kind of punishment.

what is the ransom system?

types of ransom

the influence of the ransom system on ancient society.

as early as the Spring and Autumn period, Guan Zhong proposed that "to atone for serious crimes with rhinoceros armor and halberd for misdemeanors, and for misdemeanors to atone for sins with rhinoceros armor and a halberd, and for misdemeanors to atone for sins, it was under this legal system that Duke Huan of Qi was able to strengthen his army quickly. This kind of example is numerous in the ancient society, each dynasty will use the ransom penalty to supplement the finance and the labor force, but this kind of behavior is a serious violation of the rule of law.

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