How can the Chinese garrison in India annihilate the effective force of the Japanese army with the same force?

How can the Chinese garrison in India annihilate the effective force of the Japanese army with the same force?
The Burmese counteroffensive campaign that began in the autumn of 1943

friends who know much about the War of Resistance often know this law: since the Japanese army is stronger in weapons, equipment, and training than the Chinese army, the Chinese army needs to concentrate at least four times the superior strength of the enemy to form the same combat effectiveness as the Japanese army.

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during the battle of Xinwei on February 18, 1945, a regiment of the New 38th Division was besieged by eight Japanese tanks. The 1st Battalion of Chariots stationed in India dispatched M4 tanks and M3 light tanks to support the new 38th Division. In the fierce battle, the tanks stationed in India relied on the absolute superiority of firepower to blow up six Japanese tanks in succession, while only one of our tanks was blown up, and the whole battlefield gained a one-sided advantage over our armored troops.