After World War I, Germany has to pay 132 billion gold marks in reparations. Has it all been paid in full and on schedule?
At the end of World War I in 1918, Germany was defeated and begged for peace and accepted the alliance under the city.
at the end of World War I in 1918, Germany was defeated and begged for peace and accepted the alliance under the city. As a defeated country, reparations for cession are inevitable. According to the Treaty of Versailles under the League of cities, the victorious countries set up an indemnity committee to deal with German reparations. The committee, chaired by France, which has hated Germany for generations, also includes Britain, Italy, and Belgium. In April 1921, after repeated bargaining, the German reparations were determined in London:
determination of reparations:
the big powers have their own ghosts on the issue of German reparations, which makes the issue of German reparations particularly complicated. With its aggressive situation, France led the formulation of the terms of reparations to Germany in the early stage, but the situation changed quickly.
Ruhr crisis: France humiliated itself
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this plan is formulated by the Americans and undoubtedly embodies the will of the Americans and the British. That is, not too much to weaken Germany, to help Germany recover and benefit from Germany's economic revival. The Dawes Plan did not reduce the amount of German reparations, but it brought loans and investment to Germany, which received 13.5 billion marks of foreign investment (mainly American investment) between 1924 and 1928. As a result, the economy grew at a high rate of 6 per cent a year, ushering in the "Golden 1920s".
Economic crisis, reparations terminate
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