After Japan's defeat and surrender, why did MacArthur give up burning down Japan's Yasukuni Shrine?

After Japan's defeat and surrender, why did MacArthur give up burning down Japan's Yasukuni Shrine?
MacArthur ordered that 100 American soldiers carry tools to burn down the Yasukuni Shrine.

on August 15, 1945, the Imperial Government of Japan announced its unconditional surrender. After August 20, MacArthur boarded the Bataan plane to land in Japan. Then, 400000 US troops were stationed on the Japanese mainland one after another. A new era has begun.

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after the US military was fully stationed in Japan, the supreme authority of the allied occupying forces headed by MacArthur carried out a non-militarized transformation of Japan.  what is strange to future generations is that although the Allied occupying forces have carried out democratic transformation in Japan like a raging fire, the Yasukuni Shrine, the spiritual symbol of Japanese militarism, has been preserved to this day.

so why did MacArthur give up burning down and destroying Japan's Yasukuni Shrine?

but at a critical moment when MacArthur was about to burn down the Yasukuni Shrine, things suddenly reversed.