Why can "bamboo" be favored by people since ancient times?

Why can "bamboo" be favored by people since ancient times?
Bamboo, winter grass

Bamboo is called "four gentlemen" with no plum blossom, no orchid fragrance, no chrysanthemum elegance. It is not only malleable, versatile, but also resolute, straight, and straight, and integrates practical life and spiritual realm. The particularity of the combination of deficiency and reality of bamboo makes it maintain exuberant vitality in the traditional culture.

moral deficiency

"odor sweet, Greater Cold, non-toxic", has the special effect of relieving cough and expectorant. After bamboo blossoms, it is as strong as wheat, which is called bamboo fruit. The Compendium of Materia Medica holds that bamboo fruit "accumulates like gods" is good medicine for indigestion.

mong the Chinese characters, there are 1432 Chinese characters in the "bamboo" part, and there are countless poems and paintings related to bamboo. In Wei Feng Qiao of the Book of songs, the whole poem is catchy and metaphorical with bamboo. Tang Dynasty poet Liu Yuxi's "Xiaoxiang god spotted bamboo branch" cloud: "spotted bamboo branch, spotted bamboo branch, little tears to send Acacia." Poets place their emotions with spotted bamboos with high ornamental value, which converge and agitate just right. Li Bai, Wang Wei, Bai Juyi, Gao Pian, Wang Tingyun, Li Shangyin, Ouyang Xiu, Fan Chengda, Li Yu, and others all left poems related to bamboo.

in the history of Chinese painting, "bamboo painting" is a major category. In the Mid-Tang Dynasty, Xiao Yue was famous for his bamboo. After entering the Song Dynasty, bamboo painting became popular, and the "Huzhou Bamboo School" represented by Wentong and Su Shi attracted much attention. In the Yuan Dynasty, Ke Jiusi, Ni Zan, and others were masters of bamboo painting at that time. Ming painters Song Ke and Xia Chang were good at painting ink bamboo and were famous all over the world. Zhu Kui, Zheng Xie, and others, based on inheriting the traditional techniques of bamboo painting, constantly innovated and formed a unique style of bamboo painting, which had a profound impact on modern painting. Driven by many celebrities, bamboo culture shows the artistic temperament of rising abruptly based on accumulated strength.

bamboo goes deep into astronomy, farming, salt making, entertainment, sculpture, and other fields, and it advances with the development of civilization. Su Shi, Wenhao of the Northern Song Dynasty, lamented: & nbsp; "it is impossible to live without bamboo shingles, carrying bamboo rafts, books with bamboo paper, wearing bamboo crowns, clothing with bamboo skins, crawler's bamboo shoes, eaters' bamboo shoots, and incinerators' bamboo salaries." shows that bamboo is widely used and widely used. The famous British scholar Joseph Needham emphasized in the History of Chinese Science and Technology that China is a "country of bamboo civilization". This view highly summarizes the status of bamboo in Chinese civilization, and its value continues unabated.

Bamboo can not only" lower the ripe people ", but also" snow in spring ". Archaeologists have found a lot of bamboo prints in the Banpo site more than 6000 years ago. People turn bamboo into strips, weaving wisps, baskets, baskets, keystrokes, mats, and other practical tools. Bamboo ritual utensils are necessary for feasts and sacrifices in the royal family. According to Zhou Li, in sacrificial activities, it is necessary to hold all kinds of dried meat, fruits, and food.

the bamboo instruments represented by bamboo flute, bamboo Xiao, bamboo Sheng, bamboo board, and bamboo piano are collectively referred to as "silk bamboo", which is listed as one of the "eight tones" in classical music. The Book of Rites reads: "Carnation is the instrument of music." during the Spring and Autumn period, the daughter of the Duke of Qin Mu left behind the allusion of "playing the flute and introducing the Phoenix". The music of silk and bamboo has become one of the representatives of elegant music.

Bamboo also promotes the inheritance of culture. After Qin Shihuang unified China, he read 120 jin of bamboo slips every day. In the middle of the Tang Dynasty, bamboo slips evolved into bamboo paper, which was very popular. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the quality of bamboo paper was greatly improved, which led to the end of the popular rattan paper. Li Rihua, a prose writer of the Ming Dynasty, revealed in "two strokes of Libyan Zhai": "there are three top grades of bamboo paper: Yao Huang, bachelor degree, and Shao Gong."

Bamboo can not only record but also write. The brush is a unique writing tool in China. Cai Yong, a famous scholar of the Eastern Han Dynasty, said in the Fu of the Eastern Han Dynasty: "cut the bamboo as a tube and add the entanglement of lacquer silk." Zhang Hua, a famous minister of the Western Jin Dynasty, has an account of "Shun made brushes" in his Natural History, which greatly advances the use of brushes. The brush varies in thickness and length, regardless of whether the pen is made of sheep, wolf, or mouse, and the penholder of bamboo remains the same. The unique use of bamboo has been affirmed and appreciated by society.

"How can one day be free from such evil?"  the allusion of "Love Bamboo of the Emblem" has been handed down for thousands of years.

in the late Wei and early Jin dynasties, seven people, including Ruan Ji, Ji Kang, Shantao, Liu Ling, Ruan Xian, Xiangxiu, and Wang Rong, were cynical and admired that bamboo was evergreen, simple and elegant. "Seven people often gather under the bamboo forest and enjoy it wantonly, so the world is called the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest". Their noble sentiments had a great impact on later generations and became the object revered by later literati.

during the Kaiyuan reign of the Tang Dynasty, Li Bai and Kong Chaofu, Han Zun, Pei Zheng, Zhang Shuming, and Tao Yi followed the example of the "Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest" and lived in seclusion in the bamboo brook at the foot of Culai Mountain in Tai'an mansion. Li Bai misses the days of seclusion in Zhuxi with the poem "return in the dream last night, cloud and bamboo brook moon". The natural attribute of bamboo coincides with the spiritual pursuit of the characters, which is endowed with an ideal personality and becomes the embodiment of noble morality.

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